
Astrafruit Partnership banner


Promote Astrafruit Promote Astrafruit with your own affiliate link and discount code.
Make Commission Make 14% commission on all referral sales.
Earn Rewards Earn rewards from events held regularly on our Discord, or by simply meeting expectations
  • Promote Astrafruit Promote Astrafruit with your own affiliate link and discount code.
  • Make Commission Make 14% commission on all referral sales.
  • Earn Rewards Earn rewards from events held regularly on our Discord, or by simply meeting expectations


Frequently Asked Questions

You must be an individual 18+ years of age and be a legal resident of the U.S. or Canada. We typically only partner with content creators.

Becoming a partner is one thing, but being a partner is another! It takes a lot of resources to onboard and manage partners, as well as providing them with an ecosystem of growth opportunities. For this reason, partners are expected to average 1 sale per month. Typically, so long as the effort is being made and you are engaging with our content, sharing our promotional posts, and being active in our community, this should suffice. If this obligation cannot be met however, we may need to evaluate whether our partnership continues to make sense or not, which is a decision that will take all of these factors into consideration.

Click the link at the bottom to be taken to our application form. After you submit it, we will perform a preliminary check to make sure your partnership would be a good fit for us and follow up with you.

Commissions are paid in one lump sum at the beginning of each month via PayPal or Venmo for the amount accrued in referral sales during the month prior.

Our affiliate platform automatically tracks when your affiliate link or discount code are used to make a purchase. We also send you automated notifications whenever a new referral order is tracked in our system. You can monitor your performance in your Partner Account at any time.

We may or may not choose to send you free samples based on our sole discretion. However, keep in mind that you are welcome to use your own discount code to make a purchase.

We are currently accepting international applicants from Canada. Commissions are paid out in USD.

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